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1PERBANKAN, Hasil pemikiran dari Para Dosen Berbagai Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (book chapter-first edition)KlikKlikKlik
2Dissenters vs Debtors Bank Promise: A Review of Normative JuridicalKlikKlikKlik
3Establishment of Plantation Companies in Juridic StudyKlikKlikKlik
4Children’s Rights Conflict with the Law in the Time of the COVID-19 PandemicKlikKlikKlik
5Analysis Of The Calculation Of The Inheritance In The FamilyKlikKlikKlik
6Tanggung Jawab Pemberi Fidusia Terhadap Benda Jaminan Fidusia Dalam Perjanjian KreditKlikKlikKlik
7The Position of Women’s Heritage Rights in the Context of Islamic Heritage in Indigenous Mandailing in Sipirok District, Tapanuli Selatan RegencyKlikKlikKlik
8The Role Of Bhabinkamtibmas In Efforts To Press The Spread Of The Virus Covid-19KlikKlikKlik
9Legal Respect for Children from Sirri’s Marriage in the Perspective of Islamic Marriage Law and Regulations Indonesian Law in the District LabuhanbatuKlikKlikKlik
10Legality of Execution of Collateral Based on Electronic Mortgage Certificate in Bank Credit AgreementKlikKlikKlik
11Ownership of Agricultural Land and Residence for Husband and Wife Who Are Different Citizens (Mixed Marriage)KlikKlikKlik
12Nilai-nilai Karakter Pada Siswa Tingkat SMP (Studi Kabupaten Labuhanbatu)KlikKlik